People often say that alcohol does have such great benefits on the body in a lot of different ways, then again too much of it may cause harm for some people. This is why it is always best to drink moderately, then again there are some people who can no longer control their thirst and become addicted to it. Turns out, this man from Pennsylvania have actually taken it too far that he got arrested for shooting his place.
Shooting Imaginary Clowns
It was in December 2016 when a 35-year-old man named Nathan Matthias was drunk when he shot at what he said to be as clowns in his home. It was reported that the authorities from Reading, Pennsylvania received a call about Matthias, and when they got there, he was outside his home holding his gun. Turns out that he had fired his weapon towards his apartment because he said that he saw two clowns. It was revealed Matthias was actually drunk at that time and according to the police, he actually saw them running around so he had to shoot them.

When the police searched the place, it was revealed to be empty and that what Matthias did actually endanger his neighbor on the first-floor since the said neighbor was inside their house but wasn’t exactly charmed. The authorizes noticed a bottle of vodka with Matthias and when he was asked if he has been drinking, he only said that he had a sip. His eyes were said to be bloodshot red and that he also said he has yet to get some sleep.
When arrested, he took full responsibility for his actions and even apologized to the court. In a report from the Reading Eagle, Matthias has already spent more than 490 days in jail and will be required to undergo a drug and alcohol treatment. Last Monday, he was sentenced to 22 months up to five years in jail.
Effects of Alcohol On The Mind
Experts believed that Matthias may have a fear of clowns or coulrophobia, which is actually pretty common. However, in this case, it would seem that it led to some extreme measures and alcohol has definitely got something to do with it.
According to the American Addiction Center, Americans seemed to have found comfort from alcohol no matter how they feel. Unfortunately, alcohol consumption has proven to cause some people to lose their ability to think in a responsible manner or stay as a sensible human being. Based on the most recent statistics from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, there is now more than 52 percent of people aged 12 and up drinks alcohol in the United States, despite having an age requirement of 21. This caused alcohol to be one of the most commonly abused drug in the country, along with marijuana.
According to some experts, alcohol does make huge cognitive changes to the brain. It could cause some loss of inhibitions as well as not being able to think clearly, that may lead to poor decision making. People who drink occasionally or recreational drinkers wouldn’t exactly feel this, they often just use it as an excuse to do or say things they’re not supposed to. It is usually when the phrase “blame it on the alcohol” comes in.
However, people who are addicted to alcohol will be the ones who would get their minds affected. People who often drink alcohol may feel as if they are actually used to it that they don’t feel the effects anymore. Then again, what they don’t realize is that they are slowly feeling its effects but they just don’t notice it themselves. Based on a study by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, people who are abusing their bodies with too much alcohol consumption may experience diminishing of the size of their brain. This could then lead to poor eyesight as well as develop some serious brain disorders.
More than 80 percent of people who are addicted to alcohol have the chance to develop a brain disorder known as the Wernicke-Korsakoff, wherein the brain would have a difficult time understanding things, it could also lead to paralysis on the nerves of the eyes as well as impaired muscle coordination.